Thursday, August 22, 2013

Value Village At Halloween Why Moms Love It!

I love shopping at Value Village at Halloween....year round but Halloween is the best time because you can really make a fool of yourself and no one notices because they are too.  I shop at Value Village to purchase clothing and shoes at a great price during the year, but during August and September, I do so to get the makings of Halloween Costumes for my (4) Kids.   UPH, asked me to write an article about my experiences because I have to be very very thrifty. I hope some of my ideas will help someone.    I am a widow on a fixed income and I am raising (4) kids alone.  They range in age from 4 - 15.  My husband was in the military and died due to complications from a surgery.   I receive alot of family support but right now I am not working and some months it has been really tough.   My kids are resilient and accept shopping at a discount store because I firmly believe in buying things at a good value and recycling.   Value Village offers locally the biggest bang for the buck, especially when they are having their sales when things are 50% off.  I go to the University Place store and the staff is great.   They are always willing to help and many times guide me to the best sale prices.   If you have a "Super Savers" Card you can be given notice of upcoming sales.
Value Village, Super Savers Card
Somedays we even go earlier a day so we can shop as cardholders.  I generally shop in the morning when the staff is less tired, or late at night when the store is emptier.   Sales days you have to come early but it is always worth it!  Sometimes people try to hide things in the store to buy them later but this is a very bad idea and creates extra work for the staff who already work pretty hard and actually if you think about it adds more to the cost of Value Village doing business.  Value Village also takes Washington State EBT cards, so if you need to buy clothing for yourself or School Clothing for your kids you can using your state issued card.  Last year this is how I outfitted my teen age daughter and it was on an emergency basis.  

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The History and Roots of Halloween!

My family came to the United States like many European descended immigrants.  We first came through New York City, and then I travelled as a young woman to San Francisco where I met my fiance George Parker.  My family brought our traditions with us, celebrating Halloween in America by carving pumpkins instead of turnips.

Irish or Celtic Roots of Halloween, Samhain

History of Halloween

I would like to give you my famous receipe for fried turnips
Fried Turnips


4 or 5 medium size turnips

1 tbsp. olive oil

1 tbsp. unsalted butter or margarine

Freshly ground black pepper to taste

1 tsp. caraway seeds

1 tsp. finely chopped garlic

Peel turnips and cut into quarters, cut each quarter crosswise into very thick slices. Should be about 4 cups. Heat oil and butter in a heavy skillet and add turnips. Add a generous grinding of pepper. Cook, tossing the skillet and stirring the pieces of turnip to cook evenly. When pieces start to take on color, add caraway seeds, stir, cover closely and cook about 5 minutes. Uncover , sprinkle with garlic and cook briefly until liquid evaporates. Yield: 6 servings.

Vintage Turnip Receipe

Friday, August 9, 2013

Our Favorite Vampire! Blondie

Blondie Vampire

Traci Kelly Equal Time Radio

Our favorite local vampire who grew up in University our own Traci Kelly of Equal Time Radio.  Click on the link to find show times and give this beautiful Vamp a call live on the air!    The classy and sophisticated vampire also hosts "Drinking Liberally" Thursdays at the Hub in Downtown Tacoma!
Traci a music fan and night owl is hip on local music scene in the Northwest.
We have link to top ten music songs for Halloween just for her!

Top 10 Halloween Songs

Thursday, August 1, 2013

We Love Halloween In University Place!

As we search online and nearby for loads of fun we discover we can  stay right in our own neighborhood of University Place on Halloween.  We are inviting community members to join us to start a tradition of Trick or Treat Lane.  Starting on Grandview Drive West.  Participants will register and agree to be home on Halloween night, which this year is Sunday October 31, 2010 at 6:00 pm - 09:00 pm in order to pass out treats to trick or treaters.  We would also like to start a contest for homeowners to decorate their homes and the best decorated homes win by votes.   Halloween, originally a Celtic Holiday called Samhain and then a Christian Holiday called All Saint's Day and now an American Holiday for everyone to have safe fun!  Please contact us at  for more information!